Saturday, August 31, 2013

Crochet Pouch / Sling

Hello everybody !!!

Hope all of you are doing fine. Its been quite some time since I have shared something with you.Primarily, because  I  have not been doing  any craft projects lately. After lot of dilly -dallying I came up with this short, simple crochet pouch / sling. I  have used  purse thread to make this. When I was thru making it I felt it looked too simple. So I added  a little bit of embroidery with red colored yarn and attached some beads on it.I was happy with the outcome and I hope you will also like it too..

I know I should be sharing some more pics, but unfortunately, my camera is again giving me problems,  so please forgive me for the same.

Do drop by and leave your comments.:)

Have a nice day !!!!



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