Hi !!!
Hope you all had a wonderful Holi. I had planned to prepare sweets (gujiyas,ladoos etc.) to celebrate the festival, but since my kids are having their exams, I simply couldn't take out time to do the preparation. But still I was persistent. Wanted to make something ... easy and less complicated and something which I have not tried.. Little search in the net and I came across this wonderful recipe in Pinterest & the link is here
I have named this recipe Coconut Choco Bars. This is such an easy recipe & you don't need a long list of ingredients to make the same.
Dessicated Coconut Powder - I cup
Milkmaid - 1/4 cup
Melted chocolate - to dip the bars
You just need to mix the coconut powder and milkmaid and refrigerate it for few hours.
Make bars from the mixture
And now for my favorite step. Just dip the bars in the melted chocolate.....
Let the bars rest in the fridge for a while ...... & it is ready to eat :)
Do drop in your with your comments/ suggestions
Have a great week ahead...... Bye & Take care :)